United Concordia Census Upload
The College Tuition Benefit® (CTB), through an arrangement with United Concordia, is committed to helping you attract and retain employees with value-added tools that help protect your employees’ financial health and security. With CTB, you will stand apart from the competition by helping your employees pay for an eligible family member’s education.
Completing a census file for your employees is easy! You'll just need each employee’s name, date of birth and email address. Once you have that information, you can download a blank Census Template. Once downloaded, fill in or copy & paste the employee data into the correct columns and securely upload the completed census below.
CTB makes it possible for participating customers to provide their employees children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, stepchildren and godchildren with guaranteed college scholarships at almost 40% of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, NAICU.
Participants can use these scholarships at more than 440 colleges in 46 states.